About us

ABOUT THE TRUST                                                       [click here to return to the homepage]
The Dundonald Christian Trust is a registered charitable trust for tax purposes and is run by a board of trustees (reference HMRC XT6254). The Trustees of the Dundonald Christian Trust decide how to best use the Trust’s resources to further the work of the gospel. They also administer donations, regular giving and applications for support. The trustees are all regular members or friends of St Elizabeth’s church who have volunteered to run the Trust. They will be pleased to answer any questions you have about the Trust.


The Dundonald Christian Trust relies on donations to supports its work. If you would like to support the work of the Trust, you can obtain a giving form with a Gift Aid declaration from the address below. The form includes a bank standing order instruction for regular giving; if you want to make a one-off donation, you need only fill in the Gift Aid section.


The Dundonald Christian Trust, 26 Ballyregan Road, Dundonald,  Belfast,  BT16 1HY

T: 028 9048 3153
E: office@dundonaldchristiantrust.org.uk